Joseph Andrews Summary | Henry Fielding

The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews and of his Friend Mr. Abraham Adams was the first complete novel by the English author Henry Fielding. It was published in 1742 among the early novels in the English language. Here we are going to discuss the summary of Joseph Andrews.

In Joseph Andrews, Chastity is a persistent theme. Joseph and Fanny have the wish to be sexual with one another, but they want to wait for marriage. In their relationship, chastity is precisely significant. Fanny and Joseph want to wait for marriage, yet Andy is purely waiting for love and the right woman.


Summary of Joseph Andrews

Joseph Andrews is a handsome younger footman. A footman Sir Thomas Booby hires Joseph by means of her spouse due to the fact the aid of the fine-look of Joseph attracts her. The name of that girl is Lady Booby. Mr. Abraham Adams, the parson of the parish, additionally likes him for his Christian attitude.


He needs to strengthen ethical and mental achievable in Joseph. But earlier than Mr. Abraham Adams can begin the Latin directions to Joseph, Lady Booby, and her husband leave the united states of America from London. They additionally take Joseph Andrews with them.


In London, after 12 months Sir Thomas dies. After dying of her husband, Lady Booby begins flirting with Joseph. Joseph fails to reply to her romantic hints; in a letter to his sister Pamela, he writes how a female like Lady Booby with excessive social stature may want to involve in a mere servant. Lady Booby invitations Joseph to sleep with her however Joseph does no longer apprehend her sexual desire.


His advantage infuriates Lady Booby, so she fires Joseph from his job. She then suffers distress from indecision over whether or not to preserve Joseph or not. Joseph heads toward the Lady Boobys country parish, the place he reunites with his childhood-liked and now fiancée, the illiterate milkmaid fanny Goodwill.

On his first night time on the road,

On his first night time on the road, the robbers left him in a ditch to die after beating and robbing him. Soon a stagecoach approaches. The teacher takes Joseph and the different passengers to an inn. In the motel Betty, the chamber-maid cares for him and a Surgeon states his accident is possibly mortal.

Joseph disregards the Surgeon’s projection the subsequent day, receiving a go-to from Mr. Barnabas the clergyman. He receives nugatory hospitality from Mrs. Tow-wouse, the spouse of the innkeeper. Soon Mr. Adams, any other clergyman, reaches. He is on his way to London to put up some volumes of his sermons.

Joseph is thrilled to see him, and Adams treats his penniless accountability to several meals. Adams himself no longer have money with him. He tries to take a mortgage from Mr. Tow-wouse with the aid of retaining his sermons as security. Soon Adams meets a Bookseller with the aid of Mr. Barnabas, who would possibly assist to signify Adam in the London publishing trade.

Summary of Joseph Andrews

The Bookseller is now not attracted to marketing sermons and the dialogue stays fruitless. Mr. Adams has left his sermons at domestic and has no purpose to go to London. Joseph and Adams select to take turns driving Adams’s horse on their trip home.

On their excursion, Adams ends up by way of taking the incorrect path. He encounters a partridge hunter. And whilst the two guys are talking, they hear a younger girl screaming.

Adams goes to her rescue whilst the different man (hunter) runs away, and Adams saves the girls from tried rape. On the way to Justice of the Peace, Mr. Adams and the lady recognize that they are aware of every other: she is Joseph’s beloved, Fanny Goodwill.

Soon Adams and Fanny proceed to the subsequent inn, the place they are supposed to meet Joseph. Joseph and Fanny have a blissful reunion at the inn, and Joseph desires to get married however each Mr. Adams and Fanny decide to be greater patient.

In the morning, the associates comprehend that they have some other lodge consignment that they can’t pay. So Adams goes off in search of the well-off parson of the parish. A Peddler hears of the travelers’ problem and loans Adams the cash he needs.

As they proceed to wayfare, they meet a deceitful sort of landowner as nice as sheep stealers. Passing via a collection of events, they cease and take safe haven with a type of family. They are hosted by using a type of family, the Wilson family.

The vacationers go away in the morning. Walking along, Mr. Adams and Joseph talk about the biography of Wilson and the beginnings of human advantage and vice. Eventually, they give up taking a meal; they are attacked by searching dogs.

Summary of Joseph Andrews

After any other sequence of ventures, the team returns to the country parish and Lady Booby herself arrives quickly thereafter. Lady Booby offers emotional confusion between her appeal to Joseph and her love for her very own recognition and prominence.

Lady Booby who is jealous of Fanny, takes a lawful motion to get Fanny exiled from the parish. Mr. Booby, who is the nephew of Lady Booby, arrives with his spouse Pamela. Pamela is the sister of Joseph.

Mr. Booby rescues his brother-in-law and Fanny for the duration of their punishment. He tells Joseph that he wishes to make him a nobleman. He advises Joseph to wreck off his engagement to Fanny after being influenced by the aid of his aunt.

Mr. Booby claims that Fanny is negative and will turn out to be a bother at reaching a state-of-the-art social rank. But Joseph stays loyal to Fanny.

The bad peddler comes into the parish where the team met on the road. He tells Fanny that her mother and father are Mr. and Mrs. Andrews. The information was once stunning for all, due to the fact in accordance to that Joseph and Fanny are brother and sister. The subsequent day Mr. and Mrs. Andrews arrive. Mrs. Andrews tells the story that her daughter was once kidnapped in infancy.

She was once changed with Joseph. The peddler then displays that the kind hosts who gave refuge to Joseph, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, are the dad and mom of Joseph. Fanny and Joseph are then married. Mr. Booby offers them adequate cash to stay pretty comfortably.

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